Главная » 2015 » Сентябрь » 5 » Detoxification
The most important step for any addict. This - the first few days of complete abstinence. It is associated with this period the main fears of our patients. Many people are afraid of this stage because We have repeatedly been in a situation where there is no regular dose. Cancel drug causes very unpleasant feelings.

At the stage of detoxification (detox) solves many problems, chief among them:

Remove withdrawal symptoms (withdrawal symptoms resolve), to enable a person to survive the abolition of the drug easily, without unpleasant physical and emotional sensations.
Maximize health, undermined by prolonged drug use.
How can we motivate more dependent further way to get rid of the addiction.

In the arsenal of the Clinic Dr. Isaev has everything you need - the latest products and techniques, including hardware techniques. And most importantly - the richest experience of the most experienced professionals - doctors of various specialties, psychologists.

This is a preparatory stage for further medical reabilitatsinnogo period, the main result of which becomes the patient's voluntary withdrawal from the use of narcotic drugs, the desire to live a healthy lifestyle, to dev

Heroin - one of the worst drug that can cause highly addictive. In some countries, people who suffer from heroin addiction are recognized chronic addicts, which can not be cured. In our country, despite the complexity of the treatment, there are successful cases of recovery. And all this thanks to the qualified approach of experienced drug treatment.

Heroin dependence arises after one use. Your initial euphoria does not last more than an hour, often it is accompanied by heat, which is a drug addict feels the whole body, and dry mouth. When the buzz goes, comes the anxiety and irritability that are often replaced by a strong depression and apathy. The addict begins to feel uncomfortable, so forced to seek another dose.
Heroin breaking: what happens?

Heroin - is the drug, which arises from the break-up after just a few hours. It is extremely painful and brings severe discomfort. Drug addicts in the state of abstinence often complain about:

headaches and tremors of extremities;
loss of appetite and insomnia;
vomiting, diarrhea;
cardiac arrhythmia, increased heart rate, breath.

The peculiarity of heroin in that it does not provoke the appearance of certain diseases, and drains the entire body as a whole, suffer the most nervous and immune systems.
Breaking Heroin: What to do?

Breaking from heroin

Remove the break-up at home impossible. Of course, there are plenty of tips and tricks to help alleviate the plight of the patient's condition, but as long as the toxins will remain in the body of the addict, break-up does not take place.

Breaking heroin efficiently and painlessly removed using detoxification. The purpose of this service is drug treatment clinics to medical methods to cleanse the body of toxins. After the complex of rehabilitation measures. They tend to be aimed at the normalization and improvement of all systems and organs. Throughout the course of a drug addict nourish the body with essential vitamins and minerals.

In our center, specialists are working at the highest level, who know how to help the patient, even in the most severe cases.
Here are our services:

outwork motivation to effective treatment;
support to the clinic;
painless removal of withdrawal symptoms;
psychological support for patients and their loved ones.

Treatment of heroin or methadone addiction, withdrawal withdrawal, detox, Detoxification, Ultra Rapid Opioid Detoxification UROD (AMLO), Naltrexone implants.

For the people of Europe the price of treatment - 600 euro: detox from heroin to 3 days (full, painless cure of the drug), accommodation, food + meeting, transfer to hotel (shuttle).

TSIPO "MOSMEDSERVIS" - Russia - Moscow
Tel: + 7 495 782 78 12 or Email: mosmedservice@yandex.ru
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