Implantation of Naltrexone
Traditional drug treatment helps only a small number of drug addicts and only after serious negative consequences. Even for successful rehabilitation period is characterized by multiple recurrences and deaths. Medications Naltrexon - a revolutionary step in the fight against the plague of the XXI century. The preparation ensures the release of the patient from opiate addiction, providing, thus, a new scientific paradigm of this important treatment.
The procedure for filing or implantation Naltrexon (or coding of drugs) - the most effective treatment for drug addiction at the moment, the overwhelming majority of experts worldwide.
The implant procedure Naltrexon (filing under the skin) in 20 minutes
Moreover, many drug addicts have hidden so well know the name of the product that they are trying to buy it directly from pharmacies. The information spread without ads and TV spots, important information. Naltrexon - is a kind of extension of the attractiveness and usefulness of drug treatment with the effect of complete abstinence.
This approach helps to stop dependent substance use and gradually minimize the dire results of their uncontrolled use. The effect of "blocking" has some similarities with the encoding, but only with 100% result. Of course, there are patients who are against such an approach. Usually, it is the young men who want to use the opportunity to leave, and if the next dose of each will be able to "break" and start all over again. Fortunately, implantation Naltrexon - a complete lock on the drug for a long period by blocking opiate receptors. But addicts with ten years "experience" refers to "blocking Naltrexon» as the only hope for recovery.
Can "Emergency" (without delay) or Naltrexone implants Naloxon - Details: +7 495 782 78 12
In TSIPO Mosmedservis use only proven high-quality, certified implants (Binder Prodetokson analogue Naltrexone) produced in Japan and the United States. Now Russia circulated cheap Binder allegedly produced in Russia, it is a delusion, in fact, this Naltrexone produced in China and did not sterilize it in Russia, these binders are packed and labeled - "Made in Russia" although it is not so. Such a binder of very low quality, they have a high percentage of rejection, the terms are not met and a half. When rejection money is not returned, and a high risk of getting an infection with all its consequences. Do not chase the cheap, look for quality.
Traditional methods of drug addiction treatment is not always effective: the relapse rate is much higher than when using Naltrexon. These techniques require a high level of motivation of the patient. Motivation, which must be renewed again and again throughout their lives. Moreover, it should take into account the high cost of medical procedures used earlier in the life of an addict: the treatment of serious side effects in the form of muscle cramps, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. Revolutionary treatment or Naltrexon Prodetokson leaves no chance to the patient to "return to the past", so it should be called highly effective in the treatment of opiate addiction.
Some time after the implantation procedure Naltrexon opiate receptors in the brain are not fully dependent funktsionalny- Naltrexon gradually kills them. Parallel Naltrexon reduces alcohol dependence being treated, but ensure that no alcohol relapse are not able, as originally aimed at the elimination of another - opioydnogo diagnosis.
Given the acute shortage of time for the treatment of patients due to work or study, TSIPO Mosmedservis can replace long inpatient treatment for a quick "soft detoxification" in the hospital, and "emergency" (without delay), or implantation Naltrexon Prodetokson. All treatment takes 2-3 days, and most importantly, we give a full guarantee of a cure for drug addiction. Treatment anchoring documented that at the moment can not give more than one drug rehabilitation center or clinic in Russia. Our method of treatment more reliable and ultimately less expensive alternative drug treatment. As a result, the model treatment Mosmedservis and "complete blocking Naltrexon» is the most effective in Russia that allows to save a much higher percentage of drug addicts in the early stages of the disease.
Treatment of heroin or methadone addiction, withdrawal withdrawal, detox, Detoxification, Ultra Rapid Opioid Detoxification UROD (AMLO), Naltrexone implants.
For the people of Europe the price of treatment - 600 euro: detox from heroin to 3 days (full, painless cure of the drug), accommodation, food + meeting, transfer to hotel (shuttle).
For the people of Europe the price of treatment - 600 euro: detox from heroin to 3 days (full, painless cure of the drug), accommodation, food + meeting, transfer to hotel (shuttle).
TSIPO "MOSMEDSERVIS" - Russia - Moscow
Tel: + 7 495 782 78 12 or Email:
Tel: + 7 495 782 78 12 or Email: